Statement on season ticket renewal prices

The Wolves 1877 Trust is outraged by the size of the increase for season ticket renewals announced by the Club today.

The increases are way above the rate of inflation and increased costs associated with running a football match. It's clear the club is putting profit before its loyal fan base.

The increase is an affront to loyal match going fans who have seen year on year increases since we returned to the Premier League in 2018. This also does not bode well for Match Day Prices.

This increase is at a time when the club is experiencing record revenues through TV money and sponsorship.

The Club in their engagement meetings with the Trust have been proud to promote having the cheapest prices for children in the league. The above 100% increase is a devastating blow to families who attend games and ends the reasonable prices for the future fans of the club.

We have been happy to support the club on stances such as VAR and we felt they have listened to fans’ views on this but it's clear they haven't listened to our views on ticketing. The Club's senior management only listens when the narrative suits them.

We are unhappy that fans are expected to pay more when the facilities at Molineux have not improved and there no plans to redevelop Molineux.

We are calling on season ticket holders to take the unprecedented stance and send a message to the club by boycotting the renewal process. This sadly is the only way we can see the Club changing course.

We will be asking for an urgent meeting with Jeff Shi, Matt Wild and Russell Jones to discuss our concerns.


Ticket pricing update


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